What is a Vocal Behaviorist?
Every time we sing or speak we integrate our physiology, neurology and psychology in the same way we integrate the accelerator, brake and steering in a car. You can’t make a sound, or drive, without all three! Unsatisfied with the traditional focus on acoustics and physiology for vocal training, I sought a deeper understanding of the conscious and unconscious drivers that also influence the voice. Integrating all three provides a multi-dimensional view of the person I’m working with. I created the term “Vocal Behaviorist” and registered it as a service mark to distinguish this holistic approach.
Education + Experience = Results

I am a life-long learner. Always exploring new scientific research and wellness modalities; if it helps singers I want to know about it. This academic curiosity combined with attending symposiums at the Harvard Medical School’s Department of Continuing Education allows me to communicate with doctors and translate their findings to my clients. Equally valuable to understanding the biology of singing is understanding the reality of singing onstage. I made my living as a singer for 15 years before transitioning to work behind the scenes. What I’ve learned in over 3,000 gigs, especially from my struggles, allows me to provide real-world guidance to singers at every stage of their career. Allow me to prove you can change your circumstances if you believe you were not born to sing with comfort and control. Because I was definitely born to teach!

Presenting at Your Next Function?

I pride myself in creating educational presentations about the voice that are both entertaining and memorable.
Because learning and emotions are inseparable. If you're not engaged, very little will be retained.
I'm happy to adapt to any size group and any length program.
Masterclass - seminars - workshops
singer/songwriter retreats
Let's talk!